Show me the Monet: The Value of Art

What you see on your left is one of the world’s most remarkable paintings that, given the odds, you will never get to see. Called Le Rêve, French for ‘The Dream’, it was painted in 1932 by the famous Pablo Picasso, portraying his 22-year old mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter rather provocatively. Tilt your head to the... Continue Reading →

Food For Thought: Thanksgiving Turkeys, Presidential Pardons, and Vegetarianism

By Shahaan Jamshed (Guest Writer) Each year, shortly before Thanksgiving, a ceremonial kindness takes place at the White House in Washington, D.C. The National Turkey Federation and the Poultry and Egg National Board present the President of the United States of America with a live, domestic turkey. During the short ceremony, the President grants the... Continue Reading →

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